New Hat Entertainment offers a variety of digital and print media services to accommodate your business or personal needs. Photo and video editing, logo design, website design and management, as well as advertising services available.
Business Logo Design, up to 3 elements (60 min), digital delivery:
$14.99 and up
Social Media Advertising Designs, up to 5 elements and 2 platforms (60 min), digital delivery:
$12.99 and up
Large Print Medium (Poster/Banner) Design and Production (60 min):
$14.99 and up
Website Design, per 4 element page, un-hosted (60 min):
$29.99 and up
Website Design, with web-hosting, self maintenance:
$12.00/ month plus design price
Website Design, with web-hosting and maintenance:
Monthly or yearly contracts starting at $24.00/month!!
NHE offers full-service Advertising Management on all print, broadcast, and social media platforms!
Contact us today to build a package that is perfect for YOU.
NHE can restore old photos, change photo backgrounds plus edit and enhance most photos and videos!
Simple photo edits, such as background removal and minor adjustments (30 min):
$9.99 and up
Advanced photo edits or enhancements, such as colorization and digital restoration (30 min):
$21.99 and up
Video editing without enhancements (60 min):
$34.99 and up
Video editing with enhancements (60 min):
$39.99 and up
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